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RG Racers: Marko Kynkäänniemi
RG500 running 10.20s in the quarter mile!
Marko was kind enough to search his memory for info regarding his lightning-quick RG500 dragbike. Here are the updates on what is certainly one of the quickest RGs I have heard of!
(Have a racer story? contact me at Randy Norian -
Marko sent us some time slips, including his first pass ever!
First ever pass: 11.97 @ 183.05 km / 113.3 mph
Eventually: 10.22 @ 215 km/ 133.3 mph
Also: 10.29 @ 218 km/ 135.2 mph
My notes have my first trip to the strip (best pass) as 11.80s at 115 mph, VERY SIMILAR! - RN
A few of Marko's time slips below! This is one quick RG500.
Marko's Story
Well now I try to remember even something :)
I bought my RG in spring 2000 in very same day when I signed my first permanent job.
On morning paper I noticed car dealer advertisement and during lunch break I went to make test drive and I bought it right there!!! Idling was set so low that engine sounded like it was braking into pieces at any moment. Dealer didn't knew what he was selling and price was really reasonable.
First it felt really SUPER. Throttle wheelies and everything...
Then I noticed that engine was not revving like it should. Reason was faulty ignition box. You know those wrong components on some of those.. I replaced all wrong components and in same time replaced some of those by pots. Affect was obvious.... +2000rpm on top.
I think that was the point when I started to tune my bike seriously.
In the same summer was my first drag race starts.
So what was done to it...
Jollymoto pipes
30,5mm carbs. Later I had 35mm.
Modified disc valves and covers, crankcase, cylinders and the most important (I think) modification was combustion chambers.
Suspension was lowered about 30mm.
60mm longer swingarm.
GSX-R 750 back rim.
RGV 250 fairing.
Parts was lightened as much as possible and some of those even replaced by lighter ones.
Then we added Omron CPM2C programmable logic to handle water injection.
Also logic handled shift lights installed on my helmet so I didn't have to take my eyes from the road.
We tired to make start rev limiter by logic. Even we were able to cut ignition on every three sparks, we never managed to get it work. When we on full throttle putted ignition on on 8000rpm and cutted it off on 8050rpm, engine rolled by it self to 9500rpm and slooooowly dropped to 8000rpm and so on....
On two stroke the only way to keep revs stable on start line is to manipulate throttle. Not ignition.
During those years I raced more than 200 "full throttle" drag race starts on glued strips.
I seized once pistons and second gead sprockets had to be modified to stay on. Nothing else.
Have to admit that RG500 engine is extremely robust. REAL RACE ENGINE !!!
Racing days were quite busy to handle by my self (wife was helping every way she could).
If everything was working like in movie, I had to take carbs away (rejetting) only three times a day.
On morning first round temperature was low and lot of moisture in air, so we needed really big jets on! Till midday we had to lean mixture a lot and when driving those latest starts of the day we again needed a lot of fuel for stoichiometric mix.
I still have that beauty on my garage and hopefully I have time to take it in to the street on coming summer too. But to be honest... I don't have heart to race it any more.
I have a hint that best was 10.21s and 223kmh but as long as I can’t find the ticket… (timing slip)
Note: I had different racing number on each series.
Streetcup #518
Streetbike #459
SuperGasBike #223
Streetcup was meant for street legal bikes. Driven in normal airfield track with no glue (traction additive on the track) .
Street Bike was also for street legal bikes. Pump gas only, No slicks or wheelie bars. Index was 10,4s.
SuperGasBike was for real racers. Only pump gas, but turbo and NOS were okay. No wheeliebars or slicks. Max 1400cc. Index 9,9s
Marko Kynkäänniemi
Video clip!
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