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Dynojet Pepview and Runviewer
Discovered in a time capsule... It's Pepview and Dynojet Runviewer!
Short story- raw dyno data is viewed using Dynojet's own software.
So, I am posting all the raw data, as well as the (ancient) run viewer software. The run viewers can be downloaded here
Zip file of both viewers and 98 dyno runs
These windows apps let you view and overlay dynojet run files. At least, back from when I captured all this data.
Pepview is the older software, and runs on my native XP computer. It will not run on my parallels emulation on Mac.
RunViewer is newer software, and runs on my XP computer as well as Win7 under parallels emulation on my Mac.
We included notes with almost all the runs, but that may not give you a full picture of what was going on. I generally kept additional notes separately, and wrote up articles after testing for the RG500 list. I have lost most of them now, but they're out there someplace. I have a fat binder of test info at my place, but it's nice to be able to make decent screenshots using the viewers today! Some runs were made with borrowed components, and the stipulation that the results were kept private. Not everything tested was added to the record.
Also - at some point, I visited a second dyno shop, in Omaha. The run data are all in one collection and I am afraid some files were over-written. Thank god I kept paper printouts!! I tried to sift through and the run numbering here should match up with printouts or scans I hve posted in the past.
The dynojet viewer we used at the time had a limit of filename.001 to filename.099 I reached the max of 99 runs and extras were lost or not captured when we did the outload. So, 99 runs it is. We should have changed the "DYNORUN" part of the filename, but at the time I didn't realize. I guess I assumed we could go to 999. I did test this and it's true- the reader only recognizes FILENAME.099 as a maximum.
Zip file of both viewers and 98 dyno runs

Screen caps of the newer "advanced" run viewer at right.

Photo of the earlier "PEPVIEW" software. Both are included in the zip file, along with 99 dyno runs. Sometimes the run notes are cryptic, but we changed the NAME of the run to reflect what was being tested. Hey, I never thought I'd be keeping all this stuff this long! As you can see, the screen display is a bit messed up, but you can see the plots at least.

Run notes for the 98-ish runs included in the zip file. I believe the delta RG-TZ cylinders started at #45. As you will see, the new setup was NOT an immediate winner. We had to drag every additional HP out of it, believe me.